Saturday, December 27, 2008

Withdrawl Symptoms

We just returned from another quick drive to Kansas and back to visit with the family for the holidays. For sure my body in still consuming calories as if:
A) there are still races every weekend
B) there's a hibernation looming on the horizon
A little self control would go a long way right now (as I look down at the keyboard here, all the crevasses between the keys are filled with cookie crumbs). After a weekend of mass consumption and a total of 12+ hours in the car. I stuffed myself into some cold weather ride gear and spun over to the Bear Creek cross course for a couple of laps with the new shoes. The trails in Palmer are still a bit icy in the shaded areas so I decided to pass on the fat tires, besides I really wanted to get back out of the skinny knobbies. Felt super good to get out for some fresh air, but I am already feeling like I've lost some fitness...oh well..tis' the season. I think I'll go cook up some Spam in bacon grease and serve it between 2 chocolate chip cookies.

snowball fight to warm up before our hike

Karen, Jen, Mom and Don

Nieces on the prairie

Jersey's Christmas gift... a Maine lobstah

Here's looking forward to 2009! Thanks for reading


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