Friday, December 5, 2008

Ramping Up while Winding Down

Lot's of cycling-centric things going on, the Colorado State Championships this Sunday which unfortunately looks like they will be held under nice conditions. I'm actually OK with this as I missed out last year due to some brutal highway conditions . I was on-line at daylight looking at CDOT cameras placed along I-25 and decided I'd be the wiser for staying home instead of possibly spending a few hours hanging upside down in my seat belt somewhere on Monument Pass waiting for help.

We just went through a couple of days of some very wintery weather, It snowed lightly all day yesterday accumulating about 3 inches, by today, sunny and temps in the mid-40's. There's still some snow on all the North facing yards, streets and slopes but all will probably be gone by the middle of the weekend. I did throw my Panaracer Fire Cross 700 x45c tires on and they do work super well in the white stuff but dang...they are sooooo slow. Eleven degrees when I rode from the house this morning and the roads were a sheet of ice.. I do really enjoy the baffled looks on drivers faces. The path to work had already been plowed most of the way providing a far safer alternative method of transport.

Looks as though the crew at Boulder Racing has added one last (?) low key event for the season, for details, go here. Think I'll pass on this, States will be my 10th race for the season, a new high for me for the 12+ years that I've been racing cross ( I think I'm becoming more obsessive about this sport the older I get )

Next Thursday I leave for the Nationals in KC, my goals are simple, try super hard to not get lapped and not be asked to leave the race. I'll do a non-championship race on Thursday afternoon if travel goes well. I'll update here as frequently as possible so stay tuned.

Thanks so much for all readers sending lots of positive feedback and continued encouragement about the blog, It has been a very fulfilling couple of months since starting this, so thanks again


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